Your Chimney Problem
Did you know your chimney may be a major weak point on your roof? Water can enter your house through several different sources from the chimney.
Here are the possibilities:
- The flashing
- The shared wall cap with your neighbor
- Roof deterioration at the base of the chimney
- The mortar
- The flue
- The chimney cap

Even if your fireplace is not functional or the chimney is closed off WATER CAN ENTER YOUR HOUSE.
Let us inspect your chimney or fix the problem. We have serviced many chimneys in Capitol Hill and other parts of the city. We use traditional tuck-pointing methods as well as traditional lime-based materials to restore historic chimneys and brick structures to their original condition.
For more details, contact Tom Daniel, Owner and General Manager of R. Thomas Daniel Roofing at:
202-569-1080 or